gate anti-theft systemSimulation and Measurements of Electric and Magnetic Fields of an RFID Loop Antenna Anti-Theft Gate SystemDamir Senić, Dragan Poljak, Antonio Šarolić2010| Vol. 6 (4) | Open Call Articles| Pages: 133-140| PDF (2.03 MiB) | 2010-12-22 |11 views| 1 CrossRef citation11Views1CrossRef citation
Simulation and Measurements of Electric and Magnetic Fields of an RFID Loop Antenna Anti-Theft Gate SystemDamir Senić, Dragan Poljak, Antonio Šarolić2010| Vol. 6 (4) | Open Call Articles| Pages: 133-140| PDF (2.03 MiB) | 2010-12-22 |11 views| 1 CrossRef citation11Views1CrossRef citation