KiFramework — A Federated Learning Platform with an Innovative Communication Protocol
2024| Vol. 20 (4) | Open Call Articles| Pages: 329-339| PDF (1.98 MiB) | 2024-12-10 |0 views| 0 CrossRef citationsThree-Phase Detection and Classification for Android Malware Based on Common Behaviors
2016| Vol. 12 (3) | Open Call Articles| Pages: 157-165| PDF (1.22 MiB) | 2016-09-21 |12 views| 1 CrossRef citationIDA-Pay: a secure and efficient micro-payment system based on Peer-to-Peer NFC technology for Android mobile devices
2012| Vol. 8 (4) | Open Call Articles| Pages: 117-125| PDF (1.19 MiB) | 2012-12-21 |7 views| 15 CrossRef citations