Guidelines for manuscript is adopted to the templates:
NOTE: Submissions should be prepared in two-column format according to the template (page
margins, titles, figures, numbering, tables, references). Please see the recently published papers in JCOMSS at the link.
All papers must be written in English. Regular papers should have 6-12 pages.
Introductory discussion should be kept at a minimum, and material published
elsewhere should be referenced rather than reproduced or paraphrased. Authors
should strive for maximum clarity of expression, bearing in mind that the
purpose of the publication is the dissemination of technical knowledge and that
an excessively complex or poorly written presentation can only obscure the
significance of the work described.
Equations, figures, tables and photos should be original proofs and not scanned or photocopied.
Care should be taken in the organization of the paper, such that a logical and
consistent progression of thought is evident. It is strongly suggested that
theorems, derivations, calculations, and other elements of a paper which are
not essential to the continuity of the text be placed in Appendices.
In the list of references, DOI (if available) has to be
included in each reference. If the cited article is published in other than
English language, in the reference list it should be in English with added at
the end e.g. (in Chinese).
After receiving the review comments, revise article as per reviewers
suggestions (or give a reason why not).
If a manuscript is accepted for publication, the author will be asked to supply
the final copy and copyright form electronically. Each article published in
JCOMSS is freely available and is accessible on the journal web site at