Implementation of modified AQM mechanisms in IP routers

Published online: Mar 20, 2008 Full Text: PDF (986 KiB) DOI: 10.24138/jcomss.v4i1.234
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Joanna Domanska, Adam Domanski, Tadeusz Czachorski


The article is an attempt to answer the question if it makes sense to modify the way of choosing packets to reject in AQM mechanisms. Simulation and analytical research of RED and DSRED mechanisms shows that their efficiency grows when packet is received from the front of the queue. It is especially conspicuous when taking into account the self-similarity of traffic. However implementation of the above mentioned mechanisms in real router does not corroborate such a clear advantage over Drop-From-Front strategy. In this article the results of analytical, simulation and real router research based on the Linux operating system have been presented.

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