Propagation Measurements at 2.4 GHz Inside a University Building and Estimation of Saleh- Valenzuela Parameters
In this paper we analyze measurements conducted in an indoor environment of our university building at a central frequency of 2.4 GHz in terms of the Saleh-Valenzuela channel. The channel parameters are extrapolated by processing the power-delay profiles measured by a vector network analyzer. Final adjustments of the parameters are obtained by comparison of simulated and measured delay-spread cumulative density functions, where a quite good agreement between the two is obtained. The predictions of the coherence bandwidth are satisfactory as well. We also considered some extensions to the original form of the model and concluded that the one that would be worthy to apply is the one that, besides temporal, incorporates also spatial information about the channel, whereas other modifications are found to be unnecessary or even unjustified for evaluation of this indoor propagation scenario.
indoor radio-propagation, delay-spread, coherence bandwidth, Saleh-Valenzuela channel model
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Z. Blažević, I. Zanchi and I. Marinović, "Propagation Measurements at 2.4 GHz Inside a University Building and Estimation of Saleh- Valenzuela Parameters," in Journal of Communications Software and Systems, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 99-107, June 2007, doi: 10.24138/jcomss.v3i2.258
@article{blazevic2007propagationmeasurements, author = {Zoran Blažević and Igor Zanchi and Ivan Marinović}, title = {Propagation Measurements at 2.4 GHz Inside a University Building and Estimation of Saleh- Valenzuela Parameters}, journal = {Journal of Communications Software and Systems}, month = {6}, year = {2007}, volume = {3}, number = {2}, pages = {99--107}, doi = {10.24138/jcomss.v3i2.258}, url = {} }