On the Error Performance of Coding and Equalization in Low-Complexity Ultra-Wideband Communication Systems
In this paper, the performance of various channel coding schemes is investigated in pulse-based ultra-wideband (UWB) communication systems for applications in short-range indoor environments. Pulse-based binary (BPSK) modulation and decision-feedback equalization (DFE) is considered. Concatenated adaptive equalization and coding is explored as an alternative to the more complex and often impractical joint coding and equalization. A block length of approximately 1000 bits is considered in this paper as it results in a static channel with minimal latency while still yielding relatively good error performance. The error performance of a previously proposed turbo product code (TPC), based on two identical Hamming (31,26) codes, is simulated and compared with that of other channel coding schemes of similar rate and code length. These include a regular LDPC (1057,813) code, a memory-6 rate-3/4 punctured convolutional code, a Reed-Solomon (127,89) code and a concatenated (off-the-shelf) code with a Reed-Solomon (255,239) outer code and a memory-6 rate-3/4 punctured convolutional inner code. The inclusion of the concatenated Reed-Solomon scheme serves as a reference, as this is an off-the-shelf classical and still popular solution. The simulation results show that, among the coding schemes considered, the LDPC code offers the best error performance.
Wireless communications, equalization, error correcting codes
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R. Morelos-Zaragoza, "On the Error Performance of Coding and Equalization in Low-Complexity Ultra-Wideband Communication Systems," in Journal of Communications Software and Systems, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 245-251, April 2017, doi: 10.24138/jcomss.v2i3.287
@article{morelos-zaragoza2006errorperformance, author = {Robert H. Morelos-Zaragoza}, title = {On the Error Performance of Coding and Equalization in Low-Complexity Ultra-Wideband Communication Systems}, journal = {Journal of Communications Software and Systems}, month = {4}, year = {2006}, volume = {2}, number = {3}, pages = {245--251}, doi = {10.24138/jcomss.v2i3.287}, url = {https://doi.org/10.24138/jcomss.v2i3.287} }