A Regular Pattern of Timestamps Between Machines with Built-in System Time

Published online: Apr 12, 2023 Full Text: PDF (4.36 MiB) DOI: https://doi.org/10.24138/jcomss-2022-0130
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Ni Made Ary Esta Dewi Wirastuti, Komang Oka Saputra, Wei-Chung Teng


This paper studied the effect of 15.6 ms time resolution where the collected timestamps are in a form of parallel dotted lines, instead of one straight line like in classical case. The dotted lines made the clock skew measurement of two devices to become incorrect as the measurement which normally follow the cluster of offsets but now follow the parallel dotted lines. Dotted lines pattern is required in order to understand how to correct the clock skew measurement on data containing dotted lines. To model the dotted lines pattern is through Dotted lines Grouping Method, a tools to find the characteristics of the dotted lines. The dotted lines grouping method was then tested data obtained from wired and wireless communication of two similar devices. The dotted line grouping method results equal maximum number of dot of 10 for both data, which indicated the robustness of the dotted lines grouping method.


Clock skew, dotted lines, time resolution, timestamps, windows time
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