Utilization of Compressed Sampling for PAPR Reduction in OFDM IEEE-802.11a System
Being spectrally efficient, easily implemented, and highly immune to selective channel imperfections and multipath fading, the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) can provide a sufficiently robust and high data rate modulation technique for emerging wired and wireless telecommunication applications. However, a major drawback of OFDM that is represented by its high Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) of the transmitted signal, which leads to degrade the system’s transmission accuracy. In this paper, a Compressed Sampling (CS) based approach is considered for reducing the PAPR without lowering its transmission capacity or affecting its Bit Error Rate (BER) performance. The proposed scheme adds a sampling stage after the IFFT block in the transmitter side, that is compressively represents the transmitted signal by fewer symbols that is transmitted instead of the original signal. At the receiver side, the received compressively sampled signal is then recovered before the FFT block by following the Basis Pursuit (𝓵1–norm) algorithm. The proposed scheme shows an enhanced PAPR and BER performances while preserving the rest of the system performance aspects.
OFDM, Compressed Sampling, PAPR, Basis Pursuit
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H. Al-Moukhles, "Utilization of Compressed Sampling for PAPR Reduction in OFDM IEEE-802.11a System," in Journal of Communications Software and Systems, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 254-259, August 2021, doi: 10.24138/jcomss-2021-0033
@article{al-moukhles2021utilizationcompressed, author = {Hussein Al-Moukhles}, title = {Utilization of Compressed Sampling for PAPR Reduction in OFDM IEEE-802.11a System}, journal = {Journal of Communications Software and Systems}, month = {8}, year = {2021}, volume = {17}, number = {3}, pages = {254--259}, doi = {10.24138/jcomss-2021-0033}, url = {https://doi.org/10.24138/jcomss-2021-0033} }